Estimated DOB:
Most Likely To:
New York
April 2017
Neurological issues
Go to the library every day and then be late for curfew...
My name is Gussie. Meowmy found me in April 2017 after I lost my person and was living in an empty house. When Meowmy met me, she recognized that I may have CH (cerebral hypoplasia) and knew I wouldn’t be able to make it on my own. So, she brought me to live with her at Doodle’s. I was so happy to be safe.
But, at first, I was a bit scared here. You see, I don’t really like other cats and it was difficult to get used to having so many "roommates". It turns out it’s not so bad. Even though I’m a little wobbly and can’t run very well, they all respect my hiss and give me my space (you can see I’m almost always in the same place). I look like an old lady, so maybe they just respect their elders. Whatever the reason, I’m happy to be here with them. I have live entertainment all day with all their antics. It’s a hoot!
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