Estimated DOB:

Most Likely To

September 26, 2020

Pleocellular rhinitis, Ribrinosuppurative exudate.
Sprint around the root and then snot all over you.

Phantom was brought in to the Whiting, Indiana, animal shelter as a stray. He was a mess sneezing bloody mucous. He was taken to the vet and tested positive for bordatella. He was treated for that with antibiotics and also got a steroid shot which helped but did not cure him. He was taken to Purdue University where he had further testing including a CT scan.

At this time Phantom condition is Pleocellular rhinitis in the right nostril and Ribrinosuppurative exudate in the left. He is stable for the most part and has minimal sneezing but when he does it is still tinged with blood. There is a surgery option but at this time the risks outweigh the benefits so that is not something we are considering. Due to the fact that his sneezing appears to potential adopters as a “sick cat” we were asked to take him in for long term life care.

He is super friendly and loving towards Humans and bonded immediately with our other new addition, Timmy. They run all over chasing each other and love to wrestle. This is the life that Phantom deserves. Despite the fact that when he sneezes, it can be messy we will not keep him in a cage or a separate room. Where we don’t see him as a burden. Where we will continue to look for ways to make him as comfortable and happy as we can. He is scheduled to be seen by a local internal medicine veterinarian so that we can continue to have his condition monitored and treated as needed.

Join our mission to save and improve the lives of special needs cats!


PO Box 1114
Menomonee Falls, WI 53052, US

About us

We are a registered 501(c)3 animal welfare organization, dedicated to rescuing and caring for special needs cats from across the US.  We advocate for their medical care every day.  For us, every cat is worth fighting for.

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